Cypress Adventures Campaign
Cypress Adventures

Five years into running her successful non-profit, Aimee Cox-King decided it was time to embark on a capital campaign. Under her leadership, Cypress Adventures serves middle and high school students with year-round opportunities to develop important leadership and life skills. In order to serve more youth, Aimee needed a solid fundraising plan and an engaging marketing campaign to support it. That’s how Growing for Good got its start.
K. Hope Creative jumped in with both feet, helping Aimee design a master fundraising plan with strategies she and her board could easily get behind. Aimee’s vast experience as a leadership educator and outdoor enthusiast provided enormous inspiration for the campaign’s theme, Growing for Good, which grew from the organization’s mission to develop future leaders who go on to help build strong, healthy, and vibrant communities. With her theme, campaign goal, gift table, timeline, and prospect list in place, the next step was to create a cohesive collection of campaign materials.
We started by developing content for a 16-page booklet and used a watercolor design technique to create the look and feel of an actual storybook. We designed the front and back covers with an image of a cypress tree, emphasizing the many twisting and powerful roots that represent the challenging journey of growing from teen to young adult.
In addition to the booklet, we designed letterhead, naming opportunity one-pagers, a campus map, a folder, and a general information brochure for prospects not yet familiar with the growing non-profit. We also developed content for all campaign communications, including letters of request, thank you letters, emails, and FAQs.
The silent phase of the Growing for Good campaign is officially underway and we’re preparing to dive into our next Cypress Adventures project which focuses on website redesign and new strategies and content for social media.
K. Hope Creative is the best thing to happen to our organization. They are transforming the way we present ourselves to the world from a grass-roots start-up to a viable professional non-profit. They care about our work as much as we do and go above and beyond in their fundraising and public relations guidance. We probably would not have sustained our toughest times without them.
Founder & CEO